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陈绮,意大利比萨高等师范学院(Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy)文学博士(2013),伟德bv1946官网文化与社会科学高等研究院副教授、意大利研究中心主任、研究生导师,哈佛大学访问学者。









1.《耕耘的土地, 脉动的历史—评第64届斯特雷加奖作品<墨索里尼渠>》,《外国文学动态》2011(4). (CSSCI)

2.“Monarchial Body and Body Monarch---the physiognomy of monarch in Italian and Chinese literary description”, Interlitteraria, 2012 (17).

3.《纺织机的荣耀与哀伤——评2011年度斯特雷加奖作品<我们的故事>》,《外国文学动态》, 2012(1)。

4.《从文化怀旧到历史反思的狂欢------ 2011年意大利文学综论》. 外国文学动态, 2012(4).

5.“Physiognomy as a collective consciousness in Chinese portrait tradition”, Consciousness, Theatre. Literature and the Arts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.

6.“Physiognomic Depiction of Heroes and Villains”,The Theatrics of Heroes and Villains: Fiction, Film and Television. Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012.

7.《从历史反思到⼈文关怀》, 《外国文学动态》, 2013(5)

8.《现实、真实、现在》, 《外国文学动态与研究》, 2014(5)

9.《和平年代的日常叙事》, 《外国文学动态与研究》, 2015(3)

10.《凶猛时代的文学》,《外国文学动态与研究》,2016 (6)

11.《直面与反思》, 《外国文学动态与研究》, 2017 (5)

12.《文艺复兴中的传统文化影响力》,《文化传播》,2017 (2)

13.《回忆与成长》,《外国文学动态与研究》,2018 (4)


1.“A study on the physical descriptions in the Vita of Benvenuto Cellini from the perspective of Physiognomy.” 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literature and Linguistics. Athens, (Greece), 12-15 July, 2010

2.“The real self in the reflection of the imaginative others,” 1st international conference Landscape of the self: Discourse, Representation and Identity. University of Evora (Portugal), 24-26 November, 2010

3.“Physiognomic consciousness as collective consciousness in Chinese portraiture tradition,” 4th International Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts. University of Lincoln (U.K) 28-30 May, 2011

4.“L’apparenza o l’immagine dei Medici?” The society of Italian studies postgraduate colloquium, University of Exeter (U.K.), 22 June, 2011

5.“Body monarch and monarchial body - a comparative study on the physiognomy of monarch in Italian and Chinese literary descriptions.” Norlit (The Nordic Association for Literary research) 2011: Conference on literature and politics, University of Roskilde(Denmark), 4-6, August, 2011

6.“The physiognomy of body and the physiognomy of nature”, Imagining spaces/places, University of Helsinki (Finland), 24-26 August, 2011

7.“Physiognomic depiction of villain and hero,” 3rd: Heroes and Villains: justice and punishment, Oxford University (U.K.), 10-12 September, 2011

8.“Visible or invisible? ---The power of physiognomy in Literature,” World Literature and National Literatures, University of Tartu (Estonia), 25-28 September, 2011

9.“Physiognomized beauty and its functions in Chinese culture.” International conference on ethics and politics of representation, University of Bergamo (Italy), 25-27 October, 2011

10.“The Expression of Power in Italian and Chinese Descriptions of Rulers ”. The Italian Renaissance in China, Harvard University (Shanghai), 24-25 October, 2013

11.“The Understanding and Misunderstanding of Physiognomy in Italian Renaissance Artists”, 第三十四届世界艺术史⼤会,北京, 2016年9⽉15-19⽇

12.《焦虑写作——近五年的意大利文学》,外国文学前沿热点论坛, 杭州, 2017年12⽉8-10日

13.“Dante in Chinese Context”, International Conference “Italy and East Asia”, Stony Brook University, 11-13 October, 2018

14.“Face of the Medici in Renaissance Literary Description”,International Symposium on Studies of Medieval and Renaissance European Literature,杭州, 2018年10月12-14日



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